Almost four years ago, I wrote a blog post lamenting the fact that a FamilySearch indexing project for New York passenger manifests was indexing the same fields that other organizations had indexed. While I saw the value in having access to independently indexed databases, I was hoping some entity would index some additional potentially useful fields, such as name and address of the person the immigrant was joining in the USA. At that time, no such luck. I cannot say that all my prayers have been answered - I am still waiting for searchable addresses - but MyHeritage has raised the bar with their recently updated database, "Ellis Island and Other New York Passenger Lists, 1820-1957." Now, one's name searches return not only passenger names, but also names of those to whom the passengers were headed.
Now, I originally did not know exactly where Ethel was from. Her 1890 Hamburg passenger manifest said "Krasno."[1] There are several Krasnos in Eastern Europe. But, years ago, I was contacted by Ava Cohn (Sherlock Cohn) who is related to the Hammers. She recalled that her family talked about a relative with the surname Liebross. When she saw that I was researching Liebrosses, she contacted me. She let me know that the Krasno on Ethel's manifest was also known as Krasnoyil's'k.[2]
These are all the Hammers (mostly from Krasnoyil's'k) I located by searching on the surname Liebross:
Adolph Hammer, 23 years old, from Krasna Ilska, Austria; arrived on 31 March 1907 on the S.S. Graf Waldersee; heading to his uncle Simon Liebrus at 181 Melrose, Brooklyn;
Mizi Hammer, 16, from Krasna, Austria; arrived on 29 August 1907 on the S.S. Patricia; heading to uncle, Mr. Libros at 181 Melrose St., Brooklyn;
Pinkas Hammer, 23 years old, from Krasna, Austria (mother Sara Hammer in Krasna); arrived on 1 August 1908 on the S.S. Amerika; heading to uncle, Simon Liebross, at 181 Melrose St., Brooklyn;
Mariem Hammer, 21 years old, from Krasna, Austria (mother Ester Hammer in Althutte, Bukovina)); arrived on 6 August 1910 on the S.S. Amerika; heading to uncle, Symon Lybros at 940 Gates St., New York; and
Rafael Hammer, 34 years old [mother Ester Hammer from Althutte (now known as Staro Krasnoshora - 6 km northwest of Krasnoil's'k)], and Golda Hammer, 1.5 years old, from Alt Hutte; arrived on 6 August 1910 on the S.S. Amerika; heading to Symon Libros at 990 Gates St., New York.
In truth, I had acquired some of these manifests previously without the "going to" information. I have not done much research on these people. For now, I will leave that to Ava, who is researching this family. I do know, however, that Pinkas became Peter Hammer. After her husband Simon died, Ethel Hammer Liebross was enumerated living with Peter and his wife in the 1930 census. Ethel was identified as Peter's aunt.[3]
Then, there were two others identified via the MyHeritage database whom I had not previously seen. One identified as a cousin (who may or may nor have been):
Mortko Riesenberg, 36 years old, from Galicia;
arrived on 10 August 1902 on the S.S. Ryndam; identified Simon as a cousin living at 244
Boerum, Brooklyn, NY.
And one immigrant, who identified Simon Liebross as his friend after he'd said on his manifest that he did not know anyone in the United States:
Breier, 32 years old, from Mihalen, Rumania [likely Mihaileni, Romania; 40 km SSE of Czernowitz];
arrived on 26 Jun 1898 on the S.S. Werkendam; identified Simon as a friend living at 244
Boerum, Brooklyn, NY.
Unfortunately, I have yet to zero-in on these last two in records after their arrival in the United States or find them in Bukovinan or Galician records. But, more clues! More work! Love it.
MyHeritage is to be commended for thinking outside the usual search box.
Notes: 1. Manifest, S.S. Deutschland, January 1890, p. 7, lines 190 and 191, Simon Libros (age 35) and Etel Libros (age 28); images, "Hamburg Passenger Lists, 1850-1934," Ancestry ( : accessed 28 May 2008). 2. Krasnoyil's'k is a community that had been in Bukovina, 41 km southwest of Czernowitz. Today the community is in Ukraine. I am not entirely sure where my great uncle, Simon, was from originally. The Liebrosses were from Zaleszczyki, Galicia (now in Ukraine) in the 19th century. Sometime toward the end of the century, some of them moved from that town to Vienna and, in the case of my part of the family (my ggf Leizer Liebross, Simon's brother), to Radautz, Bukovina (now in Romania). 3. 1930 U.S. census, Kings County, New York, population schedule, Brooklyn, enumeration district 24-1668, sheet 10A, dwelling 67, family 180, Peter and Yetta Hammer and Ethel Liebross; images, Ancestry ( : accessed 8 January 2013).
During the last two weeks I enjoyed time in the New York metropolitan area. While on Long Island I visited and recorded graves at several Jewish cemeteries in which relatives of mine are interred. Since I had not recently been to the First Lubiner Progressive Benevolent Association plots (which I have been documenting for several years on this blog), I stopped by to record a few recent burials.
For some reason I'd not quite recorded all the infant graves in the plots in Montefiore Cemetery. In doing so this time, I noted two children of Joseph and Gussie Kargman Schwartz: Franklin and Lillian.
Here lies
Efraim son of
Shmuel Yakov
MAR. 25, 1929
AGE 8 1/2 MOS.
Franklin's short life (8.5 months) missed enumeration in census records. He was born about August-September 1928 and passed away on 2 March 1929 of laryngeal diphtheria.[1]
Leah bat Shmuel Yakov
DIED OCT. 20, 1931
Franklin Schwartz was gone by the time Lillian was born in about February 1930. She was recorded as just 2 months old in the April census.[2] Lillian Schwartz died on 20 October 1931 of pertussis (whooping cough).[3] She had been admitted to the Willard Parker Hospital (a communicable diseases hospital) in Manhattan on 12 October 1931 and died more than a week later. In both cases, the children's father was identified on their gravestones as Shmuel Yakov. Their father Joe was identified as Schmariya Yakov on his gravestone.
After finding these two children, I did a bit more research on Joseph and Gussie children who lived to adulthood.
Their eldest daughter, Shirley, born 29 December 1925, married William Rackowitz.
The family had moved to Hartford, Connecticut sometime between 1935 and March 1940 (they were recorded in Hartford in the April 1940 census). Both children stayed in that area.
Shirley died on 12 July 2010 and her grave may be found in the Hartford Mutual Society Memorial Park. Her Find A Grave entry includes a transcription of her obituary from the Hartford Courant. On her grave, her father's Hebrew name is listed as Yosef. Younger brother Milton Schwartz, born 22 June 1933, married Nancy Singer Schwartz, and passed away on 28 April 2010. According to his obituary, he working with his glazer father at State Glass in Hartford. Later, he managed an electrical wholesale business in Hartford.[4] His grave is located in Beth El Temple Cemetery, Avon, Connecticut. The children who died, Lillian and Franklin, are interred in one of the First Lubiner Progressive Benevolent Association plots in Montefiore Cemetery, block 89, gate 156N. Lillian is in line 1L, grave 8 and Franklin is in line 1R, grave 10.
Notes: 1. New York County, New York, death certificate no. 9192 (1929), Franklin Schwartz, 25 March 1929; microfilm image, FamilySearch ( : accessed 07 November 2017), microfilm2,057,015
; citing Municipal Archives, New York City. 2. 1930 U.S. Census, New York County, population schedule, Manhattan, e.d. 31-217, sheet 14B, dwelling 39, family 400, Joseph and Gussie Schwartz; images, Ancestry ( : accessed 15 January 2011); citing NARA microfilm publication T626, roll 1555. 3. New York County, New York, death certificate no. 24555 (1931), Lillian Schwartz, 20 October 1931; microfilm image, FamilySearch ( : accessed 8 January 2016), microfilm 2,069,352; citing Municipal Archives, New York City. 4. Milton Schwartz, obituary, Hartford Courant (Hartford, CT), 30 April - 1 May 2010; transcription, Legacy ( : accessed 4 November 2017).